JVAR-DR1 - Data Access Services

J-VAR: The Javalambre VARiability survey. The main concept of J-VAR is to explore the time-domain capabilities offered by the JAST80. J-VAR includes three main scientific lines: characterization of variable stars, supernovae detection, and small bodies detection and characterization. The strategy of J-VAR is as follows: each field is observed three times, with dithering, in all seven filters, and is revisited a total of ten times whenever the weather conditions allow J-VAR to be executed. Ideally, it should not be more than a few days (of the order of a week), although this timespan could be of the order of months, depending on the weather.

Tool What it Does Use it when...
Reduced Individual Image Search Lets you search and download reduced individual images by position, astronomical night or name. Lets you see a preview for each image. This service is only available if you have logged in. You want to look at or download a reduced individual image.
V.O. Services Lets you access to images and objects data through Virtual Observatory (V.O.) protocols using V.O. compatible applications. V.O. services offered are Simple Cone Search (SCS), Table Access Protocol (TAP), Simple Image Access Protocol (SIAP) . You want to use a V.O. compatible application to access catalogue data or images and you want to know the URL of the service.
V.O. Asynchronous Queries (ADQL) Lets you search the database for all objects that meet any criteria you can think of, then returns whatever object data you request. Database queries are in Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL), which is basically a standardised version of SQL (ADQL help and examples). This service is only available if you have logged in. You want to answer a specific astronomical research question.
Please send bug reports, questions and comments to aederocl@cefca.es. In case you encounter a problem, please include as much information as possible so we can reproduce it (such as URL, time, operating system, browser, ...).