Example Queries for TAP Service

Object magnitudes and Lephare redshift in a 'box' area

Obtaining objects and it's Lephare redshift, we need to JOIN two tables with a two column identifier. We restrict the search to a box in the sky and magnitude in 'r' lower than 20.:

SELECT Obj.alpha_j2000, Obj.delta_j2000, Obj.mag_auto, Obj.mag_err_auto, Obj.class_star, Obj.flags, Obj.mask_flags, lephare.* 
FROM jnep.MagABDualObj obj, jnep.PhotoZLephare lephare 
WHERE obj.TILE_ID = lephare.TILE_ID AND obj.NUMBER = lephare.NUMBER 
	AND obj.mag_auto[jnep::rSDSS] < 20.0 
	AND CONTAINS(POINT('', Obj.alpha_j2000, Obj.delta_j2000), BOX('', 260.6205, 65.8172, .49, .49)) = 1

Catalogue in magnitudes of a tile image

Obtaining the catalogue in magnitudes of a tile image by its identifier (2520 in the example):

SELECT * FROM jnep.MagABSingleObj WHERE TILE_ID = 2520

Catalogue in magnitudes of an object

Obtaining the catalogue in magnitudes of a known object by its identifier (number 10 and image 2520 in the example):

SELECT * FROM jnep.MagABSingleObj WHERE TILE_ID = 2520 AND number = 10

Catalogue in f(nu) of a tile image filtering objects with problems

Obtaining the catalogue in f(nu) fluxes of a tile image by its name, filtering objects with problems in its detection:

SELECT i.zpt, m.* FROM jnep.FNuSingleObj m, jnep.TileImage i WHERE i.tile_id = m.tile_id AND i.name = 'JNEP-v202106_J0460_swp' AND (FLAGS = 0 OR FLAGS = 2048)

Catalogue in magnitudes of a tile image, only objects rSDSS - gSDSS = 1

Obtaining the catalogue object in magnitudes in each filter of a reference tile image by its identifier, selecting only objects with gSDSS more than a magnitude brighter than rSDSS:

SELECT * FROM jnep.MagABDualObj WHERE TILE_ID = 2520 AND MAG_AUTO[jnep::gSDSS] - MAG_AUTO[jnep::rSDSS] > 1

Number of objects per magnitude ordered by it

Obtaining the number of objects per magnitude ordering by magnitude:


Images filtered by right ascension

Querying all columns and limiting the number of results, up to 50 rows, filtering images by right ascension:

SELECT TOP 50 * FROM jnep.TileImage WHERE ra > 260.0 AND ra < 260.6 

Images filtered by filter

Selecting image by filter using an enumeration to identify the filter:

SELECT * FROM jnep.TileImage WHERE filter_id = jnep::rSDSS

Cone search

Joining tables and using geometric functions to do a cone search:

SELECT m.alpha_j2000, m.delta_j2000, m.flux_auto, m.class_star, i.name, i.tile_id
FROM jnep.FNuDualObj m, jnep.TileImage i
WHERE m.tile_id = i.tile_id AND CONTAINS(POINT('', m.alpha_j2000, m.delta_j2000), CIRCLE('', 260.6205, 65.8172, .005)) = 1